Saturday, February 6, 2010

the bend in the road

Rocks and telephone pole

This evening I took Jigs out to stomp along look-off path near Herring Cove. I have thought about stopping here dozens of times but until this evening I had never made a point of it. When I pulled up, the setting sun was pouring a golden light on McNabs Island on the opposite shore and the Lighthouse was picked out as a sharp slash of white on Maughers Beach. Halifax Harbour opens up to the North Atlantic at Herring Cove and an endless calm blue sea stretched out beyond the rocky shoreline. The deep cold forced me to take quick snaps as my fingers froze solid when my mitts were off for more then a minute or two. At the waterline the rocks were coated with ice thrown up by the spray and it was tricky walking with my big clunky boots. Jigs happily zoomed around and I kept losing sight of her against the granite blocks. Her beige fur is a perfect camouflage against the stone.

Herring Cove - view to McNabs

whale back rock

Salt spray ice on granite

Herring Cove - view to the southeast

Icy splash

jigs horizon

Snow and rocks

Jigs Camo

View to chebucto head

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