Tuesday, May 12, 2009

sole survivor

The deer were hungry this spring. We came home from the grocery store one snowy evening in March and were startled by a pair standing in the middle of our garden. Nothing was up at that point and in desperation they nibbled on the shrubs, dribbling Holly and Euonymus leaves around the yard. Their foray was an intelligence mission. They came back for a batch of tulips, nipping all but one in the bud. The survivor is blooming now. I wonder if she was being saved for dessert.

The headless brothers and sisters, cut down before their time

1 comment:

Marguerite said...

Hi MLOU, Just discovered your lovely blog. Your photographs are excellent and the scenery is breathtaking. I've never been to Nova Scotia, but will be going to New Brunswick in August, for the 2009'Acadian Congres' Mondial and plan to visit Nova Scotia also.